If you’d like to know the winning formula I’ve used since 2002 to earn an income from home in network & affiliate marketing… this is it!
This is the strategy & tools that have allowed me to PERSONALLY enroll over 100 people in a single month, multiple times.
I’ve personally enrolled over 3,000 people and counting over the years. (Actually I stopped counting many years ago).
There are many ways to be successful in an online business, and to build a thriving organization, you have to understand that not everyone will do things exactly like you, or me.
And that’s ok, but this is EXACTLY what I’ve done & the tools I use to be successful online for the last 20+ years.
Plus, over the last 15 years this is the EXACT formula being taught by MANY of the TOP online marketers. I was just fortunate to have had a sponsor that taught it to me before it was even a “thing”.
So let’s get into it…
Step 1: Build A Targeted Contact List
If you’re like I was, you may not have a “list” of people you can tap into who will join your opportunity.
That’s ok, you just have to start building one.
If you haven’t realized it already, your contact list is the most important aspect to your success or failure in this business.
100% of successful network marketers have one thing in common. They all had or developed a targeted list of qualified prospects they could enroll into their business.
Period, end of story. If you have the contacts you can sponsor people to build your team, if you don’t, you can’t.
If you want to earn “X? amount of dollars in your business, and you’re not, you simply need to expand your contact list to enroll more people.
Personally, I did not have a contact list. Friends & family got me to about $20, so I realized very early on that if I wanted to be successful I NEEDED to build a contact list outside of those I currently knew.
This may seem obvious, but I feel it’s important to drive home….
Because a lot of people still believe in the old school training, where you just need to sponsor 3-5 people, then you need them to duplicate.
The truth is, you can’t control what other people will do.
Most people will never duplicate, therefore you must get into the mindset that you should be sponsoring 2-3 people MONTHLY.
Then, over time as your personal team grows, some of them will duplicate a little, most will do very little to nothing, and a couple will earn you 80% of your income.
This is why building and continuing to expand your list of contacts is so critical.
And don’t worry, below I’m going to give you the EXACT tools I use to do this, including how I generate ongoing leads to expand my list.
Step 2: Engage With Your Contacts
Once you start to gather new prospects, you need to engage with those people and build relationships & trust.
It’s true, when you are working a networking program like I do, some people will join you right away, simply because the program is so compelling.
But, to really maximize your efforts, it’s important to follow up with, and build trust with your prospects.
I do this through email follow up, it’s very automated and I can communicate with hundreds, even thousands of people all at once.
Building an email list is your #1 asset online, and is LITERALLY your business.
Not convinced? Consider this…
Why did Facebook pay $1 BILLION to acquire InstaGram? It certainly wasn’t for the software. A giant like Facebook could of easily built their own.
No, they paid for the existing user base, a list of contacts if you will.
Below I’ll give you the exact tool I use to capture and send emails to my prospect list.
Step 3: Sell To Your Contact List
The final step is to promote your opportunity and products to your contact list.
Really, you’re kinda doing steps 2 and 3 at the same time. Once you have a steady flow of new leads coming into your pipeline, your automated emails are going out, building relationships, trust and promoting your opportunity.
This is it… Don’t let the simplicity of this formula fool you. It is EXACTLY how I’ve been successful online since 2002, and it’s the EXACT formula TOP online marketers created entire companies around, teaching this formula to other struggling networkers.
Now, let’s talk about the tools you will need to set this up…
And don’t worry, there are only TWO tools you will ever need… Seriously, just two!
Tool #1: A Capture Page
This is a simple website that has a contact form where visitors can enter their name & email address to subscribe to your email list.
You NEVER want to send any traffic / visitor directly to a sales page, as most people take 5-7 or more follow ups before making a decision.
Instead, you “capture” their name & email, and your email autoresponder starts the follow up process automatically.
This builder is AMAZING. I’m legally blind and I’m able to figure it out and build simple capture pages. So I’m sure you can to.
There are tons of done for you templates you can easily modify and get up and running quickly.
Here’s the tool I use to create my capture pages…
Click HERE for the Funnel Builder
Tool #2: Email Autoresponder
Your email autoresponder is the tool where all of your contacts are collected and hosted.
As new visitors enter their name & email on your capture page form, they are automatically added to your email autoresponder list.
The first email and a series of emails you’ve added to your campaign begin going out automatically.
You can literally be sleeping or at the park walking your dog, and a visitor can opt in to your website, go through the opportunity and join your team on autopilot.
I’ve PERSONALLY sponsored over 100 people in one month by using this formula & tools. It would be VERY difficult and time consuming to do this without this kind of automated folow up.
But, even on a smaller scale, we all want to make more money AND have more time to enjoy the things that money can provide.
This isn’t to say you will have to be hands on, it is still a people business. But these tools do free up a TON of your time once you have everything in place.
I recommend either one of these autoresponder services, but you do NOT need both. I’d say, if your someone who needs more support with the set up and stuff, maybe go with Aweber. They provide amazing email AND also have phone support.
Now, you may want to just consider grabbing the “ALL in One” offer instead of just the builder. This “All In One” offer gets you the website builder plus a BUNCH of freebie bonuses AND the option to get a free 14 day trial of their Premium membership.
Of course the Premium membership is totally optional, but if you’re wanting to get hands on coaching on marketing strategies, then this is the place to do that.
Plus, it’s free for 14 days, so you can test drive and see if it’s something that would benefit you in your ventures.
Grab the “All In One” offer by clicking the button below.
One Last Thing – Traffic!
This is where things get more “individual”. You may not want to generate leads how I do, everyone is different in what works for them.
Me personally, I mostly just purchase traffic. Also known as clicks or visitors to my capture page. For me this is just super fast, very little time involved, and I get interested prospects opting in to my list within 24-72 hours of ordering.
You have to be SUPER careful purchasing traffic though, it’s not all created equal and there’s a TON of fraud out there. Fake clicks etc. There’s even software that makes it look like you’re getting real opt ins, and opens on your follow up emails, but they are “bots”. Yeah, it’s crazy!
I always have one or two trusted sources of traffic though, as I’m always testing new sources.
So whether you’d like to set up the simple system I explained above, or if your company has a capture page and you just want to start getting prospects in the pipeline RIGHT NOW, here’s my #1 recommended source for traffic / clicks / visitors.
Click HERE for my Recommended Traffic Source
On the other hand, if you’re someone who might enjoy doing YouTube videos or you love hanging out on Facebook and conecting with people, then the Premium membership provided in the “All In One” offer above could be of great value to you, and it’s worth the 14 day trial to check it out.
Grab the “All In One” package for only $25 by clicking the button below…